Sunday, May 29, 2011

Catching Up

Apologies for being an awful blogger; I have no excuses. I have, however, been keeping busy crossing items off my list. Here's what you missed while I went offline...

#2. Participate in a Disciple Bible study.
Technically, I've been participating since September. But last Wednesday, my Disciple Bible class came to an end. Spending almost every Wednesday evening at Capitol Hill UMC with my class for the past nine months has been such a blessing. In addition to reading through a huge amount of the Bible, we wrestled with questions and doubts, learned to see Biblical and Christian values from new perspectives, and shared in each other's joys and concerns. We celebrated weddings, pregnancies and births, and mourned the losses of jobs and of loved ones. We've already started talking about starting up Disciple 2 or finding another study to join together, because the idea of not seeing each other every Wednesday night is just too strange.

#22. Visit a different museum every month for a year.
In May I visited my fifth museum, swinging by the Phillips Collection for Phillips After Five. The collection opens for a happy hour event on the first Thursday of each month, and May's was hosted by Generation O (the Washington National Opera's young professionals program, which I joined to complete item #23). In addition to its great collection of priceless art, the event also featured an Italian buffet, (delicious!) Prosecco and members of the Washington National Opera performing numbers from Don Pasquale on the terrace. Bumping into a co-worker and her sweet boyfriend made the event even more fun.

#68. Have an article of clothing tailored.
This is not a super-exciting update. Long story short, I had a suit, I lost weight, the suit skirt no longer fit. Instead of buying a new suit, I got the skirt tailored and am thrilled with the inexpensive, yet custom-to-me results.

#77. Eat dinner at 1789.
To celebrate our third wedding anniversary, Steven took me to 1789, a romantic (and fairly expensive) restaurant in Georgetown. Clearly - from its presence on my list - it's a restaurant I've wanted to try for a while. I'm happy to say our cheese plate, rabbit and skate entrees and mini-dessert platter did not disappoint. (If you're reading this, sweetie, thanks again!)

So there we are, all caught up. Maybe in June I'll do a better job with this!

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